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Wednesday 24 August 2016

PPP - Mahama Is A 'Weak' President!

The Progressive People’s Party has declared John Mahama a ‘weak’ president for granting a remission of the remainder of the prison sentence given the three Montie FM contemnors,
Salifu Maase (alias Mugabe), Alistair Nelson, and Ako Gunn, who were jailed on July 27, 2016 for scandalising the Supreme Court and bringing its name into disrepute.

The Papa Kwesi Nduom led party wrote a petition, asking the president not to mar his image by freeing the three despite desperate calls on him by his party’s members and government appointees and ministers to do so.

The party told they expect to collect 2million signatures for the petition after which they would submit it to the President’s office but later reported the book missing.

A government press release signed by Minister of Communications Dr Edward Omane Boamah on Monday August 22 said the President responded to a petition for clemecy submitted to him by the three and exercised his prerogative of mercy in the matter:

“The President of the Republic of Ghana, His Excellency John Dramani Mahama, has, in consultation with the Council of State and in exercise of his constitutional powers under Article 72 of the Constitution, remitted the remainder of the prison sentence imposed on three persons: Salifu Maase (alias Mugabe), Alistair Nelson and Ako Gunn, who were sentenced to four months’ imprisonment and a fine of GHS10, 000.00 each for contempt of court.

“The remission is effective 26th August, 2016.

“The three were sentenced on 27th July, 2016 and have served part of the prison sentences imposed on them. They have also paid the GHS 10,000.00 (ten thousand cedis) fines. The decision of His Excellency the President to remit their sentences on compassionate grounds follows a petition submitted to him by the contemnors appealing to the president to exercise his prerogative of mercy even as they continue to express deep remorse and regret for the unacceptable statements they made against the judiciary.

“His Excellency President Mahama takes this opportunity to remind all Ghanaians of the need to respect the institutions of state and exercise freedom of speech responsibly mindful of the need to preserve peace and national unity. The president reminds all concerned especially persons working in the media or appearing on its platforms to be circumspect and guard against the use of intemperate language which has the potential of causing unnecessary tension especially in this election year.

“The President is hopeful that all will draw lessons from the events leading to the conviction of the three persons and bear in mind the consequences of injudicious utterances.”

But the PPP in a statement signed by general secretary Mohammed Mutala said the president has aired in this matter.

Below the full statement

The President’s decision to pardon the Montie 3 is in bad faith and will remain a scar on our democratic credentials. The President has proven weak amidst pressure from party members whose intentions are based on sentiments and emotions without looking at the interest of the state.

By exercising his powers per article 72 to pardon the three contemnors, the President has rendered the Judicial services toothless and ineffective.

The history and tradition of the NDC regarding alleged murder of judges, victimization of journalists and threats to judges (“there are many ways to kill a cat”) recently was enough deterrent for John Mahama to thread with caution not hasten to destroy the little credibility the NDC chalked under the watch of his predecessor, the late Professor J.E.A Mills.

1 Corithians 10:23 of the Holy Bible says that “All things are lawful for me, but not all things are helpful; all things are lawful for me, but not all things edify”. In fact, the President may have acted constitutionally but has tempered with the powers of the judiciary which will go a long way to affect the work of the judges in future. The prerogative right of mercy granted by the President was uncalled for and untimely.

The Progressive People’s Party is also disappointed in the council of state regarding their role and advised to the President. The PPP is sure not all council members were on the same page with the President and his NDC appointees. We therefore call upon members of the council of state to come out clearly on this matter in order to set records straight. May our conscience be the better judge.

We reiterate our pledge of manning a just and disciplined society when elected into power; where laws are enforced without the consideration of party colorization and sympathy to cronies and political henchmen and women. The President has committed a political suicide and the people of Ghana must bury his political ambitions come December 7, 2016.

Murtala Mohammed (National Secretary).

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