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Tuesday 16 August 2016

List Of Celebrities Who Have Transformed Incredibly Over The Years

It's an entirely hard occupation looking great all the time and some way or another most celebs figure out how to draw it off truly well! Be that as it may, there are the individuals who weren't generally entirely as amazing as they are today.
Actually some were absolute gnarly! Here are some thoroughly stunning big name changes that you'll discover hard to accept. Also, hey, some place in the blend are two or three transfigurations that went in absolutely the wrong course!

1. Jonah Hill

Poor Jonah Hill started out his Hollywood career by pinning himself in the same corner as Seth Rogan. The fat, curly-haired dork corner, that is. But with Superbad (2007)
far behind him, Hill has been taking much better care of himself and is now that dapper young chap you see on the right! He’s still no competition sitting in a cop car next to Channing Tatum, but we’d take him as second best.

2. Raven Symone

According to Raven Simone, she gives a total of zero f**ks about how much she ways. We’re not entirely sure we believe her since she’s looking a hell of a lot happier, healthier and more energetic these days!

3. Alec Baldwin

We’re pretty sure Alec Baldwin invented a time machine, since he seems to have pulled a Benjamin Button and gone from grisly, past-it 60-something bloke to sharply dressed swooner who couldn’t be a day over 50! We’re not usually into older men but damn!

4. Lil’ Kim

Like a bad mix of Gaga and Minaj, Lil’ Kim had a very weird and in some ways wonderful career as a rapper/hop-hop artist. She was never super attractive, unless you like freaks, but at least there was a hint of normal under all that purple lipstick. Nowadays it looks like Kim ran face-first into a parked car!

5. Khloe Kardashian

Like a (very) slightly more classy version of the Osbourne family, the Kardashians came along and took the world of TV by storm. But amongst the bevy of beauties, Khloe K was kind of the ugly duckling. She was overweight and underwhelming, with permanently glossy duck lips and cheeks that looked like rosy red apples poking out below her eyes. But my, how she’s changed. With a brand new fitness regime that she doesn’t mind sharing on social media, and a much cleaner diet, Khloe is looking fantastic and we hope it stays that way. Unlike this next one…who accidentally slammed herself into reverse…

17. Perez Hilton

Perez Hilton loves yoga, pilates and all manner of workouts while he’s not spouting crap about celebrities all over the internet. But Hilton’s wild and ravaging character only came about when it became clear to Hilton that he would start being in the limelight. Once upon a time he was just a disgusting, flabby online gamer who only left his dark room and computer screen to use the bathroom and answer the door for the take out delivery guy.

6. Jack Osbourne

When The Osbournes hit TV in 2002, little Jack was a snotty young teen who was firmly following in the stumbling drug-infused steps of his rock ‘n’ roll father, Ozzy. With a frizzy white-man afro and a cigarette glued between his lips at all times, we all expected Jack to end up a homeless bum living under a bridge in Las Vegas. But to everyone’s shock and awe (well, not everyone since he’s been so quite about it), Jack pulled off a total 180° and became the slick, studdly mister you see on the right!

7. Ricki Lake

You might not know it but Ricki Lake was the original Tracy Turnblad in the first make of Hairspray back in the late 80s! Sadly, we can’t tell you that she deliberately gained 200 pounds for the part, since she seemed to fit it pretty much perfectly already. But more than 20 years later Lake is looking totally fabulous and has been a Hollywood sex symbol for years!

8. Seth Rogen

It wasn’t just Seth Rogan’s weight that was hard for him to shed. The frumpy, curly-haired funny man quickly became Rogan’s persona throughout numerous comedy movies and though he’s managed to throw off quite a few pounds and clearly developed a sense of style, he’s still pretty much stuck in the same role and probably will be for the rest of his career unless he makes some more drastic changes.

9. Nicole ‘Snooki’ Polizzi

Either you love her or you wish you could punch her in the throat. Whichever kind of person you are, you can’t argue that Snookie has never been attractive. That is, until now! Little Nicole is all grown up and attributes her weight loss (and probably the loss of her chocolate brown tan) to having kids and wanting to be more physically involved in their everyday lives. You go girl!

10. Jennifer Hudson

It was her voice and not all that much else that got Jennifer Hudson so far in her run on American Idol a few years back. She’s done pretty well for herself since then, when it comes to her music career. But personally, we think the best change had been in the way she looks. Sure, she wasn’t quite ugly before but now this girl is utterly smokin’!

12. Chris Pratt

If Chris Pratt was still the same goofy, flabby guy he was a few years back, we’re pretty sure he wouldn’t have been on of Jurassic World’s most handsome and luckiest survivors! Nope, it would have been Pratt-on-toast for Mrs. T-Rex. Thankfully he’s clearly found the time to get into shape and it makes us fell rapturous!

11. Josh Peck

While most Disney Channel stars start out all glitzy and glamorous or at least cute and charming, Josh Peck of Drake and Josh was none of these things. If fact he was fat and kind of annoying. But much like Zellweger, getting older has done Peck a few favors (well, that and hiring a nutritionist and personal trainer to get him on track) and he’s looking more like a Jonas Brother than a couch potato!

14. Chaz Bono

Lost 85 pounds and changed genders.
He has cut out 99% of grains and dairy from his diet. “I pretty much eat vegetables, meat, fruit, nuts . . . My birthday is the one day of the year I’ll do cake.” He went from 250 pounds to 165 in only a few years.

13. Renee Zellweger

Renee Zellweger recently stepped out onto the red carpet after a few years spent nowhere to be seen. We’re not totally sure what kind of reactions she was expecting but most consisted of, “Who the hell is that?!”

Though her face looks so different we were sure she must have had surgery, according to her its just really good aging!

16. Matthew Lewis

We know you’re no stranger to Neville Longbottom’s transformation from buck-toothed dunce to muscular man-beast but we couldn’t have a list without him! It might have been mother nature more than wand-work but but Lewis’ transfiguration was totally magical!

15. Kelly Osbourne

Lost 70 pounds and is planning on staying healthy.
“I’m the most secure and content I’ve ever been,” Kelly said. “Though I’m still very self-deprecating: I look in the mirror sometimes and I feel like going back to bed. Everyone has good days, everyone has bad days.”

She uses the Hoopnotica hula hoop every day, and works out regularly.

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